In The Adventures of Puss in Boots Games category from our website we have added all sorts of games so far, but never before have we added coloring games, so we are very happy to present to you all a game such as Puss in Boots Coloring, which we are sure will be a game with which you will be having a great time, just like we have had, because that was the reason why we knew that it had to be the next game from this category added here. We will now continue this description by explaining you how it works, after which you should be having no difficulties at all in playing the game! Well, as you can see, the image is in black and white. To color it, you have multiple colors available on the left part of the game screen. Click on the colors you want to use, and then click on the part of the image which you want to fill with that color, and it will immediately happen so! It is that simple, and using this method you can easily bring the image to life with your colors. Start now, and if you have not, make sure to try out the other games added in this category already!

How to play?

Use the mouse.
