BOISE, Idaho (CBS2) — April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month and the Idaho State Police are intensifying their efforts to combat distracted drivers across the state.
Distracted driving accounted for more than 4,700 crashes in 2022, killing 34 people.
While texting is the most common, and most dangerous form of distracted driving, anything that takes away your focus from the road can be considered distracted driving. Putting on makeup, eating or drinking, fiddling with the radio, and other common things can take your focus away from the road and put you, your passengers, and every other driver on the road with you in danger.
"Distracted driving poses a threat to every road user. Any distraction, whether adjusting the radio, applying makeup, or texting, can lead to tragic consequences," says Lieutenant Colonel Sheldon Kelley. "Let's commit to driving responsibly and remind our friends and family to do the same. The focus should be solely on the road ahead when you're behind the wheel."
Drivers across the State should expect to see an increase in law enforcement on the roadway as part of the national campaign to remind drivers of the deadly dangers of distracted driving.